What is life and why are my trousers too tight? The week has flown by. On Monday I sent out fifteen missives and already five people have asked for follow up information. In the tweedledum tweedledee world that is commerce, we are offering a handful of free workshops to the big rollers, and charging the small fry:-o On Wednesday we went off to a women's business day. The desultory bunch of speakers banged on about the obstacles women face. We were informed, witheringly, that the men who dominate business advisory services are bank managers refashioned as consultants. As half the women there were professionals refashioned as consultants, this was a bit of an own goal. Especially as at least two of them were more articulate, intelligent and successful than the silly buggers up on stage;-) The final straw was when the MC closed the session five minutes early with the classic line: "I know you're all dying to get up and fidget." Too often, we are our own worst enemies.