Friday, August 04, 2006

A new name, a new concept, and suddenly all the pieces are falling into place. I bought a DIY website this morning. And wrote myself a new cheque to freedom, happiness and, hopefully, riches;-) In the middle of this a mate in France emailed. "Are you coming over tomorrow?" I'd ignored her earlier invitation. Because I'm broke financing my reinvention. And I've been out every night since the kids' went. Cocktails don't come cheap. I checked Ryanair and emailed back. "The fares have quintupled. So sorry, Darling. I can't." I finished the website, did some ironing, and prepared to go on the razz. Again. A new email arrived. "We've booked you on the 14.55. Our treat." Seconds later the flight confirmation came through. Gadzooks! My last trip on Ryanair was a nightmare. I had a panic attack on boarding. I felt completely trapped. And couldn't escape because I was. By zillions of people fighting for seats. In the morning, I'm off to the doctor for valium... Wouldn't it be great to always travel first class? My exceedingly good and generous mate, is certainly of that bent. Six years ago she was a single mum in Kilburn. Today she has a multi-million pound business in Dubai and a holiday chateau. Which is where I'm bound. Respect! And a little ooh-la-la, I hope;-)

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