Saturday, October 21, 2006

They say you're only as good as your last show. So today, I'm seriously good:-) Hurrah! On the way back from the Beeb, I passed a large and very colourful turbanned woman in a voluminous handkerchief skirt. She was getting out of a cab. By Waitrose. I wound down my window. "Are you K?" I shouted. She looked around, surprised. "Yes." "Stay there!" I said, pulling onto the double yellows. Leaping out of the car I embraced her with great vigour. It's fair to say that if she could've run, she probably would. "You helped me. Three years ago when one of my girls was having a difficult time," I told her. I reminded her of that night. She'd heard my tale of woe from a mutual friend. And, despite running one of the country's biggest, most dangerous, and overburdened youth projects, dealing with kids whose lives are blighted from birth, she picked up the phone and talked me through my chattering-class crisis. I'm not sure if she remembered the detail. But I do. And she deserved that positive Saturday morning hug:-) Plus, I volunteered to run language workshops for her clients. And she seemed keen. Karma in action! Returning home, I caught up on news of my Ma's twisted knee. "Perhaps you should rest it this weekend?" I said hopefully. She refused. Which means we'll be off to a Ruby Wedding lunch tomorrow. A family do. In Cheam. Beam me up, Mr Scott...

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