Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Another glorious morning in the great metropolis. The line in the sand has been drawn, and 2006 consigned to the recycling pile of old memories. Last night in bed, I wrote a list of improving goals. Health, harmony and focus. These are my new year buzzwords:-) Alas, bed featured large over the hols. Suffering from a head cold, I slept through them. Except on New Year's Eve. When I lunched with my ma. In the evening, I painted on a semblance of life. And stepped into the night like a geisha. Or, to be more precise, a boxer in drag. My hair collapsed in the rain. I arrived at a soiree in a club on Portman Square, bedraggled and rheumy eyed. And found the hostess had drummed up a bloke for me. A Daniel Craig lookalike. With a Torbay accent. Who was charming and funny. All year I've waited for such a moment. And it happens on a night only nasal dilation is possible. Flipping heck, I thought, sipping a raspberry martini out of politeness, what kind of portent is this for 2007? It was a relief to return home. I won two games of Anagrammatic and retired to bed with a double Lemsip. Yesterday was no better. But! This morning I woke and my head is clear. Where I've struggled to leave the bed, today I leapt from it. And ran downstairs. My eyes are bright. My spirits high. Today is the first day of the rest of my life! Happy New Year to you all. It's looking good;-)

1 comment:

WriterNW10 said...

Blogging can be very time consuming - hence the gaps when it's holiday time. I find I'll rehone an entry five/ten/twenty times, changing connectives and taking out odd words:-o That said, it keeps me abreast of where I am and what I'm thinking... Happy New Year!