Friday, February 02, 2007

Despite knowing better, I still asume we all live variations of the same life. My life. I was outraged, then, when someone called me twenty minutes ago. To pick my brain. In the middle of the PM's interview on Today. My caller fashions herself as a high-level mover and shaker. Nil points! That said, it was a dull exchange. The interview, that is. The PM gave nothing away. Humphreys may as well have asked, "Prime Minister, do you take snuff?" Each morning this week, they've played a trail on the show. For a programme on noise. Each time, I stop and listen. "Can you hear the low level sounds we're playing?" No. I can't! But my eldest always does. As a result I've been worrying that I'm deaf. Last night, a TV company for which I once, accidentally, presented a sex series, held it's twentieth birthday party. In a club called Sound. Within seconds of arriving, I couldn't hear anything at all. Except the band. People spoke to me. I was totally lost. I just nodded and made what I thought were appropriate faces. I honestly have no idea what anyone said. Hitting the sack at 2am, I was further deafened. By the ringing in my ears. Horror. Then, this morning, the kitchen smelled of fish. Horror upon horror! The kids came down. "Ewwww.... what's that stink?" After they'd gone, I discovered a melon rotting and leaking behind the breadbin. And then Tony came on. You know the rest;-)

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