Thursday, February 08, 2007

One snowfall and western civilisation as we know it, slides to a halt. I've had to cancel a promising lunch because the kids are home. One of the schools is shut. The other out of reach. Because the Jubilee Line is AWOL. Yet a friend who landed at Heathrow at seven, was mini-cabbed here by 9.30. Typically it's now melting. As the pic shows:-o Last night the eldest and I went to the theatre. Waves at the Cottesloe. It was one of the most extraordinary productions I've seen. The eight piece ensemble used sound and film in a way that took your breath. The narrator was straight from the 1930s. It was like having Woolf on stage. On a par with The Pillowman for off-the-wall brilliance. As the lights came on, I got both a hug and a kiss. "That was fantastic, Mum. Thank you." Blimey: what a pay off:-) Earlier I'd spoken with a practitioner of Eastern arts. A woman who promises to realign the sensual and the feminine within us. Within us women, that is. I could certainly do with help:-o Meanwhile letters have been flying on my biogs idea. CEOs with stories, please apply here;-) All in all, it's been a good week. My New York pal, formerly of the broken toes, is back in town. I forecast lively nights ahead! Especially as, tomorrow, the girls go skiing with their father. Earlier this year there was talk that the alps were a snow-free zone. I suppose, if worst comes to worst, they could winter holiday in Stoke:-o

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