Thursday, April 13, 2006

I did my first business deal yesterday. I acquired secure brochure delivery software for the company website! In return I will rework the supplier's literature and workshop his team on creative presentation. Now we have to build the website before I fall out with my oppo, a cute but surly dating site whisperer;-) This one is not to be confused with the sympathy muncher whom I had earlier met for a coffee. Alas, we never got onto work things because I was completely distracted by his facial mole which wasn't oversized or particularly unsightly but was placed on a laughter line and moved as he talked:-o Today I continue to wear the work hat - which you will already have noticed is rare. I've two assignments to mark from online pupils - my only pupils - and later I have to collect and cook two kosher chickens for it is Passover. As the head of a secular Buju household - me Buddhist, ex husband Jewish, hence children affectionately labelled Bujus - I am off to a seder tonight, a tedious meal bemoaned by most of my Jewish friends but one I enjoy immensely because it's a family occasion. I had no family bar mum till my thirties. That said, what use is family? My holidaying kids haven't rung me once. Clearly the Jewish guilt gene bypassed them. Beyond the comfort of ritual and the extraordinary aesthetics gifted by Moghul Islam and Renaissance Catholicism, I have no time for organised religion. It's another yoke to which we harnass ourselves. It is, however, a handy shortcut for teaching children the difference between right and wrong without having to furnish explanations... Anyway, the chickens are the overspill from tonight's feast, and I'm doing them here to save oven space. And also because the hostess is easily diverted - this year she is planning 'Passover the Musical' -and doesn't always cook things right through:-o

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